Indicators for МТ4-MT5 / Cumulative Delta Indicators
Indicators of CumulativeDeltaYou know that Delta Indicator show difference between ASK volume and BID volume. This indicator shows how delta changing during some period so it shows total summ of delta values. Data looks like a curve of changing of cumulative delta or like OHLC delta chart in a separate window. Common idea of this indicator so that it looks like the chart but sometimes there are divergence between price chart and cumulative delta chart. It maybe as a signal to trend reverse. Standart CumDelta indicator use system library, it can download data only in foregroung mode so this does effect to terminal like freezing during loading data. The length of history limited to 14 days on lower timeframes and 60 days higher than M15. This realisation of indicators was first and it was developed some years ago but indicatos are still in Standart subscription. Now we try to increase usability of Premium series due to conception of getting data so we kindly recommend you change Standart indicators to Premium. Description of parameters:
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