Express Registration
To make access for indicator more simple for new users we created this small form of express registration. Please enter your valid email as login for registration and continue with next steps. Remember that
express registration does not cancel process of user identification by server so authorization still need for getting data into for Metatrader / cTrader / Ninjatrader indicators and/or ClusterDelta Applications.
You should register yourself in case if you dont have any account registered before on ClusterDelta portal. If you already registered user please enter your credentials into the form on left upper corner.
Important note: ClusterDelta is a an analytical software. We do not offer any other services except technical support of our software. The software package is intended solely for visual analysis. To work with the product, you must read and accept the "Risk disclosure" and "Terms and Conditions" before registering, otherwise you must refuse to use the software.
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