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Indicators for МТ4 / Indicators dPOC



Indicator dPOC

POC - Point Of Control, the price level for the time period with the highest traded volume.

Indicator dPOC - show changing of POC during time period. This indicator shows previous levels of highest traded volumes so you may see progress of POC.

The main advantage is possibility to progress of volume profile during time period (related to POC). Sometimes POC of the day is shifted due to high volume on market closing. dPOC shows levels that already hidden by new volume accumulation during some time, also you may see moving of POC during day or during week.

Description of parameters:

  • Instrument (default value "AUTO") - The brokers can use different tickers on the same instruments so you can use name of exact futures to get data from it. On value "AUTO" server try to determine futures using broker's ticker name.
  • Update_interval (default value "every_1min") - This parameter set frequency of data update. Only two modes are allowed. Every_1min (1 time per minute) and Every_5min (1 time per 5 minute)
  • MetaTrader_GMT (default value "AUTO") - each broker setup his MT server with different GMT. Unfortunately there are no bultin methods to determine it so server compares last time from terminal with its own. During any periods while market is off you should adjust this parameter manually.
  • dPOC_Period (default value "Daily") - period for DPOC building. Depends on choice some variables may not be used during calculations.
    Available values of dPOC_Period:
    • Custom_Period - custom mode, DPOC chart will be calculated by period between values in Custom_Start_time and Custom_End_time
    • per_Hour - DPOC chart will be calculated for every hour.
    • Daily - DPOC chart will be calculated for every day. Start of day is moment when Globex starts trading after break
    • Weekly - DPOC chart will be calculated for a whole week
    • per_Asia - - DPOC chart will be calculated for asian session time (00:00 - 09:00 GMT+2)
    • per_Europe - DPOC chart will be calculated for european session time (09:00 - 15:00 GMT+2)
    • per_NYSE - DPOC chart will be calculated for american session time (15:00 - 24:00 GMT+2)
    • per_CME - DPOC chart will be calculated for CME work time (16:30 - 23:30 GMT+2)
    • per_Contract - DPOC chart will be calculated for a whole contract
  • dPOC_Source (default value "onVolume") - source of calculation
    Available values of dPOC_Source:
    • onVolume - base for calculations is Volume (ASK+BID)
    • onDelta - base for calculations is Delta (ASK-BID)
    • onAsk - base for calculations is Volume executed on price Ask or above (ASK)
    • onBid - base for calculations is Volume executed on price Bid or below (BID)
  • Amount_of_dPOCs (default value "1") - number of DPOC repeatly charts based on dPOC_Period. Maximum value is 30.
  • Forex_auto_shift (default value "true") - on "true" value indicator automatically search for shift between forex and futures markets.
  • Forex_Shift - manual set for point number for shifting DPOC values up or down if Forex_auto_shift is "false". This value may be positive so negative.
  • Custom_Period_Settings (default value "--- Settings for Custom Period ") - text comment that has no affect to indicator.
  • Get_Custom_Period_from_Chart (default value "true") - if dPOC_Period=Custom_Period values for Custom_Start_Time and Custom_End_Time are taken from vertical lines that appears when custom period is on.
  • Custom_Start_time (default value "2017.01.01 00:00") - if Custom_Start_Time and Custom_End_Time are different to value "2017.01.01 00:00" server loads history using custom period related to your parameters.
  • Custom_End_time (default value "2017.01.01 00:00") - see Custom_Start_Time
  • Comment_On_TimeFrame (the default value of "0-All, 1-M1, 2-M5, 4-M15, 8-M30,") is a text comment, it has no effect on the indicator
  • Comment_On_TimeFrame_ (the default value of "16-H1, 32-H4, 64-D1) - can be mixed") is a text comment, it has no effect on the indicator
  • Only_On_TimeFrame (the default value is "0") - used to display profiles on certain timeframes. As objects are plotted directly on the chart the tab "display" and the data in it are ignored. In order to apply the profile to certain timeframes it is necessary to add the numbers of these timeframes (the numbers are mentioned in comments above). For all timeframes, leave "0", to display only on the M5 timeframe, put "2", for example, for timeframes only M30 and H1 it is necessary to add 8 and 16 and insert the sum 24 into the value Only_On_TimeFrame.
  • Reverse Settings (default value "--------- Reverse for USD/XXX symbols ---------") - this is just text comment, it has no effect to indicator
  • ReverseChart (default value "false") - for USD/ forex pairs (exceot USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF) you should set it to "true" so indicator data turn over to match chart of forex pair.
  • DO_NOT_SET_ReverseChart (default value "...for USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF --") - this is just text comment, it does not any effect to indicator. The comment just shows the tip that you do not need to use ReverseChart for pairs like USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF because indicator founds them automatically

You may see differences that depends on base of calculation.
Indicator dPOC based on volume (yellow) and delta (blue)

Indicator dPOC based on volume (yellow) and volumes executed by ASK price (blue)

Indicator dPOC based on volume (yellow) and volumes executed by BID price (blue)

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